
Dive into the beauty of art to express your feelings this Weekend

St. Andrews High School
St. Andrews High School, Bandra
INR 300

Talk To Me, a not-for-profit organization that spreads awareness about Mental Health and Wellness, is organizing an Art Therapy workshop for individuals across all age groups. To encourage art as a form of therapy, the Inner Wheel Club of Mumbai Nariman Point, St. Andrew’s High School and Young Volunteer’s Organization associated with Talk To Me for the workshop. Registration on the day of the workshop will begin from 9:30 a.m. onwards at St. Andrews High School, Bandra.

 Art is a form of expression that reflects the deepest thoughts and emotions of an individual that would otherwise remain unspoken. Thus, Talk To Me motivates one and all to participate in the therapy workshop where art facilitates the process of expressing internal feelings in a candid way. This workshop will be a creative exercise of active art-making where the therapy sessions will be supervised by professional therapists. Such a workshop proves to be beneficial as art therapy improves an individual’s social skills, fosters their self-esteem and also helps them manage their emotional resilience. Besides, art indicates an individual’s strengths and focuses on the pathways for growth. Interested participants can register for the same via Google Form, email or directly calling on the number below. Limited seats, register fast!

Note: Prior registration is important, however, art supplies will be provided to participants post-registration at the venue.

art therapy
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