
Fat to fit is fun, says Priya Bapat


Mumbai – Marathi film actor Priya Bapat had gained considerable weight for the movie ‘Wajandar’ where she sported a 'weighty' look but has now has returned to her original slim and fit stature.
Priya has posted the pre-weight gain and post-weight loss photographs on her Facebook page. “I like to get things back to shape after putting in hard work. It gives me immense joy then - be it a 16 kg weight gain or the subsequent weight loss. Don’t's only the beginning that is difficult. Fitness is important.” Priya has also posted a video on her journey from being fat to becoming fit. It says that it is not important whether you are fat or slim but it is important to know how precious you are, says Priya, who claims to enjoy exercise and cycling. She recently participated with actor Milind Soman in a 10-km long marathon.

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