Another bummer for BMC

  • Mumbai Live Team
  • Civic

Mumbai - MNS leader Sandeep Deshpande has accused the BMC administration of indulging a Rs 900 crore scam in garbage disposal at the N, S and T wards.

He made this accusation in the civic standing committee on Wednesday. The administration has said it will look into the matter and issue a statement about it in the next standing committee meeting, according to additional municipal commissioner Pallavi Darade.

BMC had given a contract from 2012-2017 worth Rs 900 crore to ferry the city's garbage to the Deonar dumping ground. The two contractors who filled tenders for this are brothers. Corporator Sujata Phatak claims to have exposed this scam with proof. The bills of contractors should be cleared only after verifying GPRS and VTS ( vehicle track system) details. But engineers have filled incorrect details of time and routes, she claims. Phatak has complained about the same to BMC commissioner Ajoy Mehta but got no response, Deshpande said.

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