Maharashtra: Govt records most COVID-19 cases from 31-40 age group

  • Mumbai Live Team
  • Civic

According to data revealed by the state government, the age group of 31 to 40 accounts for the highest number of coronavirus infections at 21 per cent in Maharashtra.

Nearly, 4.72 lakhs of patients have been registered in this age group, followed by 4.05 lakhs cases detected among the people of 41 to 50 years. The 31-40 age group is followed by 41-50 (17.99 per cent cases), 21-30 (16.41 per cent cases), 51-60 (16.34 per cent), and 61-70 (11.19 per cent).

The proportion of people working outside the home for employment, business as well as education is higher in this age group. Therefore, the rate of infection is also higher in them.

Besides, major activities, including inter-state movement, a rise in office workforce and reopening of malls and theatres, locals have led to a sudden spurt in the number of COVID-19 patients from the age group of 31 to 40 years over the past couple of months.

Meanwhile, the cases recorded for 21 to 30 years is 3.70 lakhs.

State health officials attributed the dip in the infection rate to the closure of schools, colleges and high awareness among youngsters.

In Maharashtra, there are 74,284 patients in the age group of below 10 years. Whereas, 1.50 lakh cases have been registered in the age group of 11 to 20 years.

The age group between 0 and 20 years is the least affected at 9 per cent of COVID-19 cases. The percentage of the age group of 0-10 (3.30 per cent) and 11-20 (6.62 per cent).

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