Mumbai: 18-year old dies after accidentally using rat poison paste to brush her teeth

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  • Mumbai Live Team
  • Civic

On September 5, a Mumbai girl residing in Dharavi died after brushing her teeth with a rat poison paste mistaking it for toothpaste.

The incident took place on September 3 at around 10 AM. The rat poison paste was kept under the toothpaste, and the girl fortuitously used that to brush her teeth thinking, its a toothpaste.

Police, while talking to the media, stated that as soon as she realized it was rat poison paste, she brushed her mouth instantly.

Initially, the deceased did not tell her mother anything. She was scared that her mother would scold her.

However, after some time, she felt dizzy and complained of a stomach ache, following which she was immediately taken to a local hospital in Dharavi by her mother.

She still kept complaining of her stomach ache, and the medicines weren't working. Later, she told her mother that she had consumed the rat poison accidentally.

She was taken to three different hospitals. Due to poor financial conditions, her mother couldn't take her to a private hospital. Finally, she was admitted to JJ hospital, Mumbai. Accordingly, her treatment started. She, however, died on Sunday, September 5.

The doctors mentioned that she died due to poisoning in their reports. Nevertheless, doctors have collected samples and sent them for forensic testing.

Dharavi police have registered a case under an accidental death report.

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