How many potholes in Mumbai ?

  • Mangal Hanwate & Mumbai Live Team
  • Civic

The road is not in compact condition, every mumbaikar knows. BMC promised to cover all the potholes by 21st August as per Ganpati Mandals. Out of 4293 potholes, only 39 potholes caught the eyes of BMC. The incessant rains has always troubled Mumbaikars and the road. The scenario has always remained same, worsening of road in rainy season.

MNS Corporator Sandeep Deshpande is all ears to every problems mumbaikars are facing it seems. Sandeep slammed BMC over corporation's take on covering 39 potholes by remarking that over 300-400 potholes are there on Western Express Highway itself. 

Mumbai Live covered the story and found over 50 potholes on J.K.Sawant road solely, so it further shows that how laim is BMC's 39 potholes claim.

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