Mumbai traffic police will no longer ask for your vehicle documents

  • Mumbai Live Team
  • Civic

Mumbai traffic police joint commissioner Milind Bhambare has issued strict notifications to his staff, prohibiting them from checking vehicle documents issued by the Regional Transport Authority.

The traffic police's mandate is to ensure that traffic laws are obeyed and traffic in Mumbai is regulated, says Bhambare's letter to the staff, dated 15 March 2017. Traffic police are not required to ask for and check documents like Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificates, insurance papers, or green tax certificates from car owners, the notification says.

The directive mentions that the process of issuing e challans, begun by the traffic police on 1 January 2017, is aimed at regulating Mumbai traffic and promoting cashless transactions. However, the notification, adds, it has been noted that the rules are not being followed in a transparent manner.

Checking of the RTO papers by the traffic police is causing arguments between the citizens and the traffic police, tarnishing the image of the latter in the public's mind, the letter says.

Ergo, you will no longer need to hand over any of these documents the next time you are apprehended by the traffic cops anywhere in Mumbai.

We like the initiative! Now if only Mumbai's car drivers too would take the lead in ensuring road discipline?

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