Mumbai Police puzzled about inviting Bollywood celebrities for 'Umang' 2019

  • Mumbai Live Team
  • Crime

Every year, Mumbai Police organises its annual cultural festival 'Umang', which is also witnesses participation from several Bollywood stars. However, this year, the police are in a fix about calling the Bollywood celebrities to the event, in the wake of the ‘MeToo’ movement. Due to the movement against sexual assault, several popular actors were accused of the misconduct and thus, the police are unsure about calling them.

The purpose of the festival is to provide the policemen some liberation from the daily jobs by engaging them through art and culture. For the past several years, the cultural function has been organised at Sports Club, Mumbai.

Last year, Bollywood actor Salman Khan and singer Ankit Tiwari were called for Umang 2018, which angered people since both of them had criminal charges against them. After which, Mumbai Police was severely criticised by people and thus, this year they plan to not make any such slipup.

As per the reports, it is expected that the police will approach more Marathi film stars after the recent surge of fame of Marathi films. Alongside, the police are said to call some Bollywood actors that have a clean image and are not involved in any controversy. Thus, it would be noteworthy to see how many stars will be invited for the annual festival.

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