Three boys saved from drowning at Versova beach; One still missing

  • Rupali Shinde & Nilesh Ahire
  • Crime

On September 3, 2018, around 3:30 pm, four friends were playing at Versova beach. After a while, all four started drowning. Hearing their cries, local fishermen and onlookers jumped into the sea and rescued three boys.

According to the police, Aayush Khanduraindar (13), Harsha Koli (12), Rehan Ansari (13) were rescued but Vaibhav Gaud (13) is still missing. Police and fire brigade team is looking out for Vaibhav.

Also Read: Girls Missing Since Friday Found At Kurla Station After Their ‘Mumbai Darshan’

Chief Medical Officer of Cooper Hospital informed that Rehan who was found unconscious was moved to the intensive care unit in Cooper Hospital. He said that there was a lot of fluid accumulation in his lungs and hence he has been kept under observation in the ICU.

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