Custom officials seizes one crore 77 lakhs worth gold bars

  • Mumbai Live Team
  • Crime

Mumbai - Airport Intelligence Unit seized five kgs gold bars in one single day. This is considered as the biggest forfeiture. Customs department has arrested four accused in five cases of gold smuggling cases and has seized one crore and 77 lakh rupees.

On Friday night, customs department seized five gold bars weighing 580 gram from a passenger Mohammed Iliyaas Urmi Mug. He had hidden the gold bars in his ass to fool the officers. Another passenger Gokhan Demir, Turkish resident was interrogated who had hidden 92 lakh gold bars around his waist. Custom department officers then seized 10 gold biscuits weighing 1,160 gram worth Rs. 35, 80,000.

Custom officials arrested Nayna Sheikh and seized seven golden bangles worth 12, 00,000. They also arrested Haesh Kukreja, Ulhasnagar resident and seized 1,400 American dollars and 95, 00,000 Saudi Riyal. They sum up to Rs. 18, 50,000

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