CET dates changed again, eight exams postponed

In the wake of the Lok Sabha elections taking place across the country, the Entrance Examination Cell (CET Cell) has once again changed the dates of the examinations. Accordingly, CET Cell has changed the dates of eight courses including Law 5 years, B.A., B.Sc B.Ed. PGP-/ M.Sc /M. MC(P&O) CET exam date has not been announced yet.

CET Cell has announced the revised schedule on the website. The entrance exam for architecture course will be held on May 12. The entrance exam for the four-year degree course, which was scheduled to be held on May 17, will now be held on May 24. Also, the entrance exam for LLB (five years) course was to be held on May 17.

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It will now be held on May 22. B. CET of SC Nursing was scheduled to be held on May 18. That exam will now be held on 28 May. The BHMCT CET exam on May 22 will now be held on May 24. Also B BCA/BBA/BMS/BBM-CET exam will be held on May 29, DPN/PHN CET and M Planning CET exam on May 25.

The chamber has appealed to the students to attend the examination only after knowing the revised time table. Meanwhile, it is also clarified that PGP-CET/M SC (A & SLP)-CET/M MC(P&O)- dates will be announced later.

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