Maharashtra: New Proposed Tentative Dates For 5-Year LLB Common Entrance Test

  • Mumbai Live Team
  • Education

On Sunday, April 24, the CET Cell, revised and set June 18 or June 19 as the new recommended tentative date for the common law entrance exam (five-year LLB) in Maharashtra which was earlier slated to be conducted on June 10. This has been done since it was clashing with the CBSE 12th board examination, reported the Times of India.

According to the account, a written petition was sent to the MH Common Entrance Test (CET) cell regarding the clash of dates of the qualifying examination with the entrance test.

It has been reported that they have attained a response regarding the clash of the CBSE and the entrance test was “noted” by the State CET Cell. The Cell reportedly responded that the new revised dates could clash with other competitive exams.

Based on the narrative, the answer elaborated on how considering many exams are held simultaneously, the clash of the CET with other examinations couldn’t be ruled out. Therefore, the CET Cell will not alter the dates proposed.

In accordance with the report, the new date now clashes with the CLAT entrance test. In other developments, the Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (CET) 2022 has been postponed. Earlier scheduled for June, it will now be held in August’s first week, said Uday Samant, state higher education and technical minister.  

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