Mercury drops to the season's lowest in Mumbai

Ask any Mumbaikar about the highlights for 2019 and he/she is sure to name "rains" as the one of the top 5 things. It seems like that it continued to rain all year round. However, now in 2020, people of Mumbai can finally say, Goobye to rain and also "Winter is here"!

Mumbai has been experiencing a bout of pleasant weather in the last few days. With the mercury dipping, people have finally started flaunthing thier collection of winter wear. 

The trend continued even on Friday as the mercury hit 11.4 degrees Celsius. This is indeed the lowest minimum temperature for the month of January after 2013. Mumbai will witness a maximum temperature of 27 degrees celsius and a minimum of 15 in the next 24 hours as per the forecast of India Meteorological Department (IMD). In addition to the sky is expected to remain clear and the humidity levels will remain intact. 

Furthermore, it is predicted that the maximum temperature will touch 29 degrees celsius while the minimum will be around 16 degrees. It is said the cold winds from up north are the main reason for this dip in the temperature. 

So the kind word of advise in this case would be to enjoy this weather till the time it last. Going for a stroll on Marine Drive and bhutta are on our mind for this weekend. What are your plans?

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