Thane wildlife expert urges Aaditya Thackeray to control the sale of exotic animals in the city

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Recently, Mid-day did a report on exotic animals that are dumped inside Aarey Colony. Now the honorary wildlife warden of Thane, Pawan Sharma, is persuading the Environment Minister Aaditya Thackeray to bring rules that can balance such species' trade.

Reportedly Sharma, in his letter, has said that exotic species are a "threat to our native species of flora and fauna." He also added that they could be dangerous for the whole food chain. 

He asked the environment minister to control and regulate the sale of exotic species in Mumbai city.

Sharma pointed out that illegal trafficking and selling of internationally banned species occurs in Indian markets, which is possibly a huge challenge. According to him, such an event takes place is because of their demands in the market.

He urged Thackeray to institute guidelines that can help to regulate, control and monitor the issue. The aim behind this is to prevent the native wildlife and their habitats. He said that it would also help in preventing the negative impact on the overall environment that can be caused if the activity is "uncontrolled and the irregularities remain."

His letter also highlighted that many people buy these exotic species but later cast them aside when they grow in size or can not maintain them.

It is illegal and unethical to abandon such animals, read his letter.

Sharma, in his letter, suggested that a team should be created comprised of wildlife experts, zoologists, botanists, veterinarians, forest officials, police, customs, and civic officials who will draft and implement a policy to handle this situation. 

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