Mobile tower atop school irks parents

  • Shivshankar Tiwari & Mumbai Live Team
  • Health

Borivali - A mobile tower atop the Narayan school building in IC colony, Borivali (west) has become a cause of concern for students' parents.

The DoT (Department of Telecom) expressly forbids the erection of mobile towers within a radius of three meters from the residential building, schools and hospitals. Experts say the radiation from the towers can be carcinogenic and potentially harmful to younger children. The worried parents have written to RTI activist Meera Kamath who took up the issue with the civic administration.

The BMC has responded by saying that no permission has been given to the school for setting up a mobile tower. The school management on the other hand claims the plot was taken on lease for 30 years in 2015. The management now says they are contacting the owner of the plot for details. Meera Kamath told Mumbai Live,"If a mobile tower does not pose any problem to the people, then ministers, bureaucrats too must install towers atop their houses and government can reap the revenue."

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