Mumbai: Once Conjoined, Twins Riddhi-Siddhi Celebrate 12th Birthday At Wadia Hospital

  • Mumbai Live Team
  • Health

Riddhi-Siddhi, conjoined twins, who successfully underwent separation surgery, have found a loving home at Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children in Mumbai. On their 12th birthday, the twins were adorned in elegant gowns and celebrated with a specially crafted colourful rainbow three-tier cake and beautifully decorated hospital premises with balloons. Abandoned by their parents, Riddhi-Siddhi are now under the care of Wadia Hospital, where they receive not only medical attention but also education and support. 

The hospital's compassionate act of taking on the responsibility for these twins has been a shining example of kindness and humanity, as they continue to nurture the girls toward achieving their developmental milestones and preparing them for a bright future ahead.

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The gala birthday bash was organised by Wadia Hospital, wherein paediatric patients, their family members, doctors, nurses, and other staff in the hospital greeted the twins with presents and chocolates. The twins were elated and danced enthusiastically during the celebrations that included fun-filled activities followed by a cake-cutting ceremony.


“Riddhi-Siddhi's 12th birthday is now reaching developmental goals for their age. Over the past 12 years, Wadia Hospital has played a crucial role in caring for Riddhi and Siddhi, providing them with the necessary support and resources to thrive. As they enter this new phase of their lives, the hospital is committed to empowering them to reach their full potential, learn, grow, and flourish. As the twins continue on their path toward independence and self-discovery, the hospital stands as a pillar of support, ready to empower them every step of the way. The twins are bright in studies, extracurricular activities or sports and are loved by each member of the hospital and school. We ensure the twins receive the love and affection they truly deserve. Riddhi-Siddhi are enveloped in an aura of love that helps them to overcome challenges with resilience and strength,” concluded Dr Minnie Bodhanwala, CEO Wadia Hospital.

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