Precautions for COVID-19 infected mothers and pregnant women

  • Mumbai Live Team
  • Health

A recent study has offered more reassurance to the mothers of newly born infected with SARS-CoV-2. It has revealed that mothers can safely breastfeed their babies without infecting them.

Many doctors have explained that breastfeeding should be continued even after the mother is positive. This is because the nutritional benefits of breastfeeding are many times greater than the small risks.

However, when a mother breastfeeds her baby and gives it back out of the room to grandparents or other family members, the infection is more likely to spread to seniors in the house. Hence, there are few precautions for pregnant women and new mothers to follow:

  • Wash hands with soap and water or sanitize before holding a newborn baby. Clean the breasts with soap and plenty of water before each breastfeeding.
  • While breastfeeding, the mother should wear a proper mask covering the entire nose and mouth. Keep the baby away from the mouth if you have a cough or sneeze.
  • You can also use an alcohol-based hand rub. Prepare for delivery and make arrangements to reach the hospital. It’s safer to deliver in a hospital, even during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Always be alert on pregnancy-related warning signs. Continue visiting your doctor or midwife for regular check-ups. Immediately contact the doctor in case of symptoms like pain in the abdomen, bleeding, watery discharge and severe headache. In case of an emergency visit the nearest hospital.
  • Wash clothes and sterilize all utensils and articles that come in contact with you or your baby.
  • Breastfeed within 1 hour of birth and continue. It protects your baby from infections. Keep your baby close to you. Practice skin-to-skin contact (Kangaroo care) for small or preterm babies.
  • Keep at least a 1-meter distance from others. If using a car, sanitize the car from time to time.
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