Mumbai-Nagpur Expressway: Rising Accidents Prompt Safety Upgrades on Motorway Segment

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Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC) has taken significant steps to enhance safety on the Samruddhi Mahamarg segment of the Mumbai-Nagpur Motorway. The implementation of these safety measures aims to address the rising number of fatal accidents and improve overall road safety.

To prevent accidents caused by road hypnosis, the MSRDC has introduced various measures. Colourful flags, median accident barriers, and rumblers have been placed every 25 kilometres along the motorway. These visual aids are intended to break the monotony of long drives. They will alert drivers to potential hazards.

Additionally, cautionary signage, reflective tape, solar blinkers, and public announcement systems have been installed at toll plazas. These enhancements serve as constant reminders for drivers. Reckless driving, frequent lane-changing, and overtaking from incorrect sides are some of the common mistakes that contribute to accidents on the Samruddhi motorway.

The need for these safety measures is reinforced by the alarming accident statistics in Maharashtra. From January 2023 to May 2023 alone, a total of 5,897 fatal accidents were reported in the state. The previous year, Maharashtra witnessed 15,224 fatalities and 14,058 injuries resulting from fatal motor vehicle incidents. During the same period in 2023, there were 6,437 fatalities reported in the state.

Specifically, on the Samruddhi motorway, 855 accidents were reported from January 1 to July 3, 2023. Out of these accidents, 51 were fatal, resulting in the loss of 106 lives. Multiple factors contributed to these incidents, including loss of control, slickness, tyre bursts, mechanical problems, tailgating, overspeeding, and rear crashes. The Samruddhi Motorway has witnessed significant traffic, with a total of 30,12,995 vehicles utilising the road.

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