Why is Vicination Wedding becoming a new trend? Here's All You Need To Know

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(Representational Image)

Destination weddings have become a popular trend in India in recent years, and it's easy to see why. Not only do they provide a unique experience for the couple and their guests, but they also offer an opportunity to explore new and exciting destinations in the country. Traditionally, weddings in India are celebrated in the hometowns of the bride and groom. However, with changing times, more and more couples are opting for destination weddings, where they can exchange their vows amidst picturesque locations, surrounded by family and friends. 

The New Trend in Destination Weddings

What is interesting to note is the increasing trend in “Vicination Weddings” —destination weddings in the vicinity or close proximity to where the couple or their families reside. Instead of travelling to a far-off location, couples are choosing to exchange their vows in nearby destinations, which offer a unique and intimate experience for everyone involved. The trend seems to have been more popular since the pandemic. Owing to this trend, tourist locations that fall in the proximity of Metro and Tier-1 cities such as Mumbai are gaining traction. Some of the popular destinations are Jaipur, Udaipur, Mussoorie, Agra & Lonavala in the north and Coorg, Ooty, Mahabalipuram & Puducherry in the south

Why is Vicination Weddings picking up trend?

The Trend we are seeing is a cologmorate for multiple reasons, and as mentioned  the pandemic played a crucial role in fact a game changer  when it came to Destination Weddings. The ease of travel, familiarity of the place  as they enjoyed a change of scene  from a typical wedding. The couples and the family also get to imbibe some local feel to the D-Day. In addition to that, here are some more factors leading to this trend-


  1. Convenience

Vicination weddings are becoming increasingly popular in India due to the convenience factor they offer. By having the wedding in a nearby location, the couple can save on travel costs and minimise the amount of planning and coordination required. Moreover, guests who may have busy schedules or other commitments can attend the wedding without having to take too much time off work or away from their families.

  1. Promote culture and tradition

Weddings in the vicinity offer the chance to showcase the local culture and traditions. The wedding venue and decor can incorporate local elements and traditions, giving the wedding a unique and authentic feel. Moreover, by supporting local vendors and businesses, the wedding can contribute to the local economy and community.

What sets it apart from Destination Weddings?

While Vicination Wedding can be a sought after option for people not willing to go far for a wedding, there is a fair chance of missing out on some fun of a destination wedding. If the location is familiar to the guests and the couple, it may not offer the same level of novelty or adventure as a destination wedding. 

In conclusion, vicination weddings are a convenient and practical option for couples who want to celebrate their special day without the added stress and expense of travelling far away.

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