Congress demands security against BJP

  • Santosh More & Mumbai Live Team
  • Politics

CST- PM Narendra Modi’s talked about the suit is worth RS. 4 crores and 31 lakhs. The company which bought this suit is facing trial. United Congress party’s president Sunil Shukla has demanded to provide protection to the petitioners who filed the suit against the company. He was talking the same at a press conference.

Laljibhai Patel has invested the money in buying the suit but when he came to know that he is being duped he went to BKC police station. But police did not register his complaint. In fact, Laljibhai was threatened by BJP MLA Yogesh Sagar saying that if he complains against him, it means that he is registering a complaint against Modi. Scared Laljbhai left Mumbai. “We intervened and police have booked offenders under section 420, 403, 405, 406, 415, 418, 114, 120-B of IPC. And so they should be given security,” said Sunil Shukla. 

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