Patra Chawl Money Laundering Case: Sanjay Raut Gets Bail After Nearly 3 Months

  • Mumbai Live Team
  • Politics

Nearly after three months, Shiv Sena Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray leader Sanjay Raut on Wednesday, November 9, was granted bail by a special PMLA Court in Patra Chawl money laundering case.

However, Arthur Road Jail officials stated that Raut can walk out of jail two hours after the release orders are received. He will be released from jail after the documents are examined.

Special Judge M G Deshpande, designated to hear cases pertaining to the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), reserved the order after hearing arguments from both sides.

In addition, Raut’s friend and alleged aide businessman Pravin Raut also granted bail.

He has been in judicial custody and lodged at the Arthur Road Jail in Mumbai.

Raut had in his bail plea claimed the case against him was a perfect example of "abuse of power" and "political vendetta".

For those unversed, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) arrested Rajya Sabha member Raut on July 31, this year for his alleged role in financial irregularities in connection with the redevelopment of the Patra Chawl (row tenement) in suburban Goregaon. 

Raut was taken to the ED office on Sunday evening, while the raids at his residence commenced on Sunday morning and were in action for nearly nine hours. Amid this, Raut proclaimed that he will not quit Thackeray's team and that false evidence was being produced against him in a false case.

The ED had opposed Raut's plea, saying he played a major role in the money laundering case related to the Patra Chawl redevelopment and acted "behind the curtains" to avoid the money trail.

The ED's probe pertains to alleged financial irregularities in the redevelopment of the Patra Chawl and related financial transactions involving his wife and associates.

Reacting to his arrest, Raut's brother Sunil Raut was quoted in reports elaborating on how the BJP was attempting to scare Raut and will continue to do so with Uddhav Thackeray. He claims the arrest is being made to silence Raut. He went on to declare that everyone in Maharashtra will now raise their voice against injustice. 

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