70% of Women See Work-Life Balance As Main Obstacle In Career Advancement

  • Mumbai Live Team
  • Society

A recent report on ‘Women in Modern Workplaces in India’ by Hero Vired – a leading LearnTech startup from the Hero Group - reveals that work-life balance is the key obstacle preventing women from advancing in their careers or breaking the glass ceiling. Based on insights from the survey that reached out to 2 lakh women, 70% identified this as the primary challenge. This highlights the need for comprehensive strategies that recognize and address the complex reciprocation between professional and personal responsibilities in today's modern workplaces.

The report emphasizes the challenges faced by women returning to work after a hiatus. Factors such as feeling out of touch with technological advancements, concerns about skill degradation and difficulties in finding suitable job opportunities emerge as significant obstacles. Despite the desire to reacclimate and progress in their careers, these challenges often hinder women from fully leveraging their potential in the workplace.

Amidst these challenges, however, there are promising signs of progress in diversity and inclusion efforts within organizations. According to the report, 77% of respondents have observed an increase in the representation of women in leadership positions compared to previous years. Additionally, the report’s findings indicate that 59% of respondents believe women in today’s workforce have equal opportunities as men, reflecting the changing dynamics towards workplace equality. This positive trend is attributed to supportive leadership, gender-inclusive hiring and promotion practices, as well as diversity initiatives implemented by organizations, as mentioned by the respondents. Moreover, 78% of the respondents who acknowledged the benefit of having more women in leadership positions believe it contributes to promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace culture.

Despite these advances, the report revealed persistent biases faced by women in the workplace. Lack of growth opportunities, microaggressions and pay disparities were key challenges, according to the majority of respondents. Challenges in reacclimating to the workplace culture after career breaks were also highlighted by the women respondents- including feeling out of touch with technology, concerns about skill degradation and difficulty in finding suitable job opportunities. 55% of the respondents also advocated that organizations should offer specialized upskilling programs for women returning to work after a career break.

85% of respondents believe that upskilling can help women keep pace with opportunities in the modern workplace. Motivated by advancement opportunities and career growth prospects, 65% of women are inclined to invest in upskilling and career development. However, lack of time was cited as the primary barrier for women pursuing upskilling opportunities, as per 69% of respondents.

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