Night Life Project Gets An Official Nod. Here's what Restaurant Owners Have To Say

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  • Civic

State Tourism and Environment Minister Aditya Thackeray has recently announced that Mumbai is going to have malls, multiplexes, shops and restaurants that can stay open 24x7 from January 27. The new policy is known as “Mumbai 24 hours”. This dream-project of Aditya Thackeray can prove to be the game-changer for several industries. Here's what industry stalwarts have to say about this decision:  

We gladly welcome this move by the government. This establishment will boost tourism and employment and it will pave way for more business especially on the weekends and we are glad we will literally be a city that never sleeps! This is what Mumbai is known for!- Arjun Raj Kher, Brand Head of Bayroute and Hitchki

We are very excited to hear about the announcement and look forward to a 24/7 Mumbai. One that is good for the residents the restaurants and the labour that works in the industry. With everyone working in tandem, we hope this idea achieves success.-Jai Wadhwa, co-owner of Hoppumm

Also Read: Night owls rejoice as Mumbai will remain open 24x7 starting Jan 27

Although at an experimental stage, we welcome this move by the state authorities. Mumbai with its fast-paced lifestyle needs 24x7 shopping and restaurant experience. This is not only good for local businesses but can also boost the morale and perception of the city's community as a whole. -Ruchyeta Bhatia, Director and co-founder - Poetry by Love & Cheesecake

While it appears to be a great initiative, the practicality of it is a bit of a question mark in my head - can retail afford the manpower and overhead costs of running extra shifts and will business generated in these hours be worth the while? Also from a safety angle, can the law and order be amped up adequately? While pilots run in certain pockets are planned to answer these questions I would think a much better route to take is to allow establishments to operate till later hours than current law allows especially on weekend nights.-Annie Bafna, Founder of The Nutcracker

The unrestricted opening hours of restaurants is a bold but very welcome move to the restaurant industry. With the recent laws and taxes, it was getting very difficult for restaurants and bars to sustain themselves thus leading to several of them closing shop and further leading to a loss of jobs and in return taxes and revenue to the city. The people of Bombay like to leave their house late and stay out till late especially on weekends without having been told what time they have to go home. This law lets the restaurants decide what timings work for them to sustain their business and their customers. This move will revive Bombay's nightlife and bring back tourism to the city that never sleeps. -Ronak Rochlani, Partner at Keiba 

Also Read: Dinning By The Sun And The Stables: Keiba Revamps its Menu

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