Monkeypox Scare: Centre Issues Guidelines

  • Mumbai Live Team
  • Health

Recently, the Central government issued guidelines for monkeypox patients and their contacts. These include 21-day isolation, wearing masks, following hand hygiene, keeping lesions fully covered and waiting for those to fully heal, reports stated.

According to accounts, one has to stay in isolation for 21 days from the last contact with a monkeypox patient or their contaminated materials. For the management of monkeypox, the Union's guidelines mention that health workers who have unprotected exposure to monkeypox patients or possible contaminated materials do not need to be excluded from duty if asymptomatic. However, they should undergo surveillance for symptoms for 21 days.

The guidelines also dictate that the infected person should wear a triple-ply mask and the skin lesions must be covered to the best possible extent to curtail the risk of contact with others. Further, patients should be in isolation till all lesions have healed and the scabs fall off completely. 

Based on narratives, symptoms of monkeypox include fever, headache, rashes for up to three weeks, sore throat, cough and swollen lymph nodes.

The symptoms also entail lesions, which usually begin within one to three days of the onset of fever, last for around two to four weeks and are often described as painful until the healing phase when they turn itchy.

Also Read: Monkeypox Scare: BMC Reserves 28-Bedded Ward At Kasturba Hospital

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