Are digestive biscuits dangerous for diabetic patients? Doctors clarify

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Diabetes is a serious disease that can affect anyone at any age. Not only in India, but worldwide, the number of diabetes patients is increasing rapidly. Changing lifestyle, improper diet are factors that lead to diabetes. Eating foods with a high glycemic index in the diet increases blood sugar rapidly. Due to this, diabetic patients should control their diet while keeping the body active to control blood sugar levels. Some people eat less sugary and fat-free diets, keep their bodies active, but still keep their blood sugar levels under control. At such times, when they consult a doctor, it comes to light that they are consuming unhealthy snacks in their diet. Digestive biscuits are eaten for breakfast. Chairman of Endocrinology and Diabetes of 'Max Healthcare' Dr. Ambarish Mithal while speaking to 'The Indian Express' has advised diabetic patients what foods to eat for breakfast and how to control blood sugar levels.

Some people eat breakfast before lunch or dinner. Chips, biscuits are widely eaten as snacks during this time. In urban areas, a full meal is eaten three times a day. It includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. Meanwhile, some eat two snacks before lunch and dinner. In this, diabetic patients eat digestive biscuits as snacks. They believe that since these biscuits are not sweet, they do not raise the blood sugar level. But doctors have expressed the opinion that these snacks cause blood sugar levels to increase.

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In this regard, Dr. Ambarish Mithal said that snacks help in curbing hunger before meals. Snacks are eaten in the morning or evening to control hunger. It always advises diabetic patients to eat small meals throughout the day so that their blood sugar levels do not rise too quickly. In such a situation, let's know what foods to eat as snacks to keep blood sugar under control.

How do digestive biscuits raise blood sugar?

According to doctors, digestive biscuits are not calorie free so they are not beneficial for health. But these biscuits can have 15 to 20 percent fewer calories than other foods. Diabetics often consume more of these snacks considering their low calorie content, which causes blood sugar levels to rise rapidly. Limited consumption of any food is beneficial for health, but excessive consumption is harmful to the body.

How does eating low-calorie snacks keep blood sugar under control?

1) As per the doctor, be careful about the quantity of what you eat. Diabetics should include nuts in their diet if they want to have a healthy breakfast, as they are a good source of healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats as well as protein. These nuts include almonds, buttermilk, walnuts and pistachios.

2) Roasted chickpeas are a great breakfast. Sesame seeds, chia seeds are all healthy snacks. Both nuts and seeds are rich in fibre. Consuming these foods is beneficial for health.

3) Eating fruits, cereal-based biscuits and salty foods and plain yoghourt for breakfast will help control blood sugar levels quickly.

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As important as choosing a diet, knowing how and in what quantity to eat is equally important. According to experts, diabetic patients should not consume more than 15 grams of carbohydrates, protein and fibre in breakfast. Following this basic principle makes diet selection easy.

Low calorie foods you can eat for breakfast

Very Low Calorie Snacks (Under 50 Calories)

1) 1 small apple (about 85 grams): 37 calories

2) 80 grams of blueberries: 32 calories

3) 1 peach (about 138 grams): 46 calories

4) 1 buckwheat dosa (45 calories)

5) 25 grams of cottage cheese (26 calories) 

6) One-quarter cucumber (11 calories): 37 calories

Low calorie snacks (50-100 calories)

1) 100 g cherries with 50 g curd: 90 calories (fruit curd)

2) 10 almonds: 61 calories

3) 1 boiled egg : 79 calories

4) 1 Khaman Dhokla : 80 calories

5) 1 cup (25 grams) of toasted butter - 90 calories

Exercising with breakfast is equally important to stay healthy. Many times we eat biscuits with our morning tea. Even if we reach home late at night, we eat something before dinner. Some of us eat breakfast when we are anxious or stressed, a phenomenon commonly known as emotional or comfort eating. Every time you feel the urge to eat, stop, take a deep breath, and find out if you're really hungry. At that time, divert your mind to something else that has nothing to do with food. Read a book, listen to some music or chat with someone you love.

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If the cravings are really strong, have a healthy snack instead of your usual snack. Avoid eating chips, bread, fried food at this time, instead eat dry fruits, carrots. Roasted peanuts are a better alternative to salty biscuits, toast. If you are craving something sweet this time, eat milk chocolate, berries and yoghurt instead of ice cream.

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