Midnight hunger pangs? Then, eat these five healthy foods recommended by nutritionists

  • Mumbai Live Team
  • Health

Has this ever happened to you when you go to bed at night after the day's work and you suddenly feel hungry. Most of us have experienced this. It's normal to be hungry in the middle of the night even after a hearty dinner. When the stomach feels empty at night, we usually eat anything to satisfy our hunger, such as biscuits, snacks, chocolate or ice cream. But these foods are not good for your health. Also, this is not the only option to fight midnight hunger. Nutritionist Lavneet Batra has given information about some healthy snacks, which you can consume at midnight.

But before we discuss what you can eat in the middle of the night, let's first understand why hunger disturbs your sleep. According to nutritionists, the desire to eat something late at night can be caused by several reasons. These include imbalanced blood sugar levels, irregular eating patterns, and night eating syndrome (NES) (an eating disorder that causes people to wake up several times a night to eat and then go back to sleep).

She adds, “If you're hungry at night, it could be because you're not eating enough during the day. Another factor that increases appetite at night is stress.”

Also Read: Fibre-Rich Fruits Like Apple Can Help In Lowering Cholesterol Levels: Healthy Lifestyle

Eating the wrong foods at night can leave you feeling bloated and irritable in the morning, says a nutritionist. So, if you really want to eat something, it's better to choose something healthy.

Now, let's learn about five healthy snacks, which can reduce your midnight hunger pangs.

  • Hummus or hummus toast with steamed vegetable sticks (Hummus is a thick paste made from chickpeas and sesame seeds, olive oil, lemon and garlic)
  • Some nuts or dry fruits
  • Makhana
  • 100 ml of milk
  • Rajgira laddu
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