5 Common Office Worker's Health Issues Which Need Attention

  • Mumbai Live Team
  • Health

Mumbai, the island city is known for its fast-paced life where the competition is substantial. Locals here can often be seen rushing to work during peak hours. The hectic professional life often takes a toll on the employee's health. Here's a list of five common worker's health issues that need immediate attention.


One of the most common problems amongst office employees due to the competitive environment, hectic schedules and long working hours is that brings stress, which likely transforms into headaches.

Back Pain

When workers put in long hours at a desk, they tend to slouch without noticing. It is mostly due to inadequate office equipment and a lack of awareness. It can cause serious issues in the long run. 

Eye Strain

Most of today’s work requires working in front of a desktop all day, due to this most workers develop eye strain. It is associated with dry eyes and a painful sensation. 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

It means the pain accumulates around the hands and wrists because of the repetitive motion of the hand. In most cases, it can cause numbing and itching sensation around the hands.

Mental Health

It is as important as physical health and in the current competitive environment with growing workplace stress levels, employees are more vulnerable to mental health issues. 

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