Check out the guidelines issued by Maharashtra government for Eid-e-Milad

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  • Mumbai Live Team
  • Festivals

A detailed guidelines for Eid-e-Milad are issued by the state home department on Saturday, October 16. The SOPs read that if all the processions are going to be carried out, then only five trucks would be allowed. The maximum capacity of only five people will be allowed after taking the permission of the police.

According to reports, this year, Eid Milad-un-Nabi will be celebrated on October 18 till the evening of next day which is October 19, as per Gregorian Calendar.

The circular has asked the citizens to follow all the COVID-19 protocols. They must use sanitizers, and face masks are a must. Social distancing must be followed by everyone. 

Police permission has to be taken to set up pandals who would welcome Eid procession. The police will decide the number of people who would be allowed to participate in the procession.

Also read: Mumbai University Issues SOPs For Colleges As Physical Classes Resume On Oct 20 - Read Full Guidelines Here

Since the pandemic is still ongoing, the state department has urged to stream the procession online on social media websites as it will help in avoiding crowding. 

The guidelines also mentioned that COVID-19 norms must be followed appropriately around sabeels that are constructed. It further read that not more than five people must be allowed near sabeels, while sealed water bottles must be distributed.

On Sunday, October 17, Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope announced that the state government is planning to allow single vaccine takers in Mumbai to travel in local trains and malls. The decision came after the city recorded zero COVID-19 deaths on October 17, the first time since March 26, 2020.

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