LoP Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil demands a narco test of Mojo’s Bistro and 1Above restaurant owners

  • Mumbai Live Team & Seema Mahangade
  • Politics

The owners of the Mojo's Bistro and 1Above admitted that they bribed the civic officials and so along with the owners, their workers should undergo a narco test, wrote opposition leader Dr. Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil to Maharashtra’s governor C Vidyasagar Rao. 

On December 28, 2017, around 12:30 am, a fire broke out in Mojo’s Bistro and 1Above restaurant claiming 14 lives. During the investigation, it was revealed that the owners of 1Above and Mojo’s Bistro were responsible for the fire incident. After arresting them, they admitted that they were bribing the BMC officials who helped them in violating the safety and fire rules & regulations.

With the new revelations, the Kamala Mills fire incident case took new twists and turns. After making the arrest of Mojo’s Bistro and 1Above restaurant owners, the investigation was diverted to the BMC officials who have been accused of taking a bribe. 

Patil suspected that few politicos might be involved and so narcos test should be conducted on all accused. 

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