
Mumbai: Clean Up Marshals' Reappointment Delayed - Here's Why

Despite the controversy, the BMC began the process of reassigning clean-up marshals last year. Chief Minister Eknath Shinde's call for a garbage-free city led to the revival of the clean-up marshals' services.

Mumbai: Clean Up Marshals' Reappointment Delayed - Here's Why

The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) had paused the reappointment of clean-up marshals. The delay is due to the development of an electronic payment system for fine collection. Clean-up marshals first faced allegations of harassment and fraud while collecting fines. The contract for marshals ends in 2022. The BMC decided not to renew it due to the extortion claims.

Despite the controversy, the BMC began the process of reassigning clean-up marshals last year. Chief Minister Eknath Shinde's call for a garbage-free city led to the revival of the clean-up marshals' services.

Two months ago, the BMC selected agencies at the ward level for the deployment of marshals. The first marshals were hired in 2006 and were reappointed in 2016. Their return is now awaited.

In December 2023, AMC Sudhakar Shinde announced that work orders had been issued and marshals would be deployed soon. However, the deployment has been delayed. The delay is due to the development of a digital payments system by the BMC's IT department. The system aims to ensure transparency in fine collection.

The IT department is developing the payment management software. The software will be ready in about two weeks, according to a BMC representative. Once the software is ready, the marshals will begin their duties.

Marshals are responsible for enforcing cleanliness rules in each of the 24 civic wards. They penalise individuals for littering, spitting, and failing to pick up pet waste. Fines range from INR 100 to INR 1,000. They also monitor the burning of rubbish and the disposal of debris in public spaces, contributing to air quality control.

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