Belapur to Gateway of India water taxi service has been suspended due to a technical glitch. The service has recently commenced the operations in the city. The service which aimed to provide a faster and more convenient mode of transportation for commuters, has left many passengers in lurch.
Inconvenience caused to commuters
Due to a technical glitch detected in one of the boats, the water taxi service which operates between Belapur and Mumbai was suspended. As per the Time of India report, during the peak hours, the incident occurred which resulted in a significant inconvenience to commuters who were relying on the service to reach their destinations on time.
Authorities assure swift resolution
The authorities have assured that the issue will be resolved soon. Until the boats are fully operational and are declared safe for passengers, the service has been temporarily suspended.
With much fanfare, the Belapur Gateway Water Taxi service was launched and it has been well-received by commuters who were looking for an alternative to the congested roads of Mumbai.