A 12-year-old student of Ideal School in Kalyan East committed suicide by hanging himself at home on Sunday. The family has alleged that the student took this extreme step after being fed up with the constant harassment from a teacher in the school.
The deceased student has been identified as Vignesh Patro (12). He was studying in class VIII in Ideal School. Vignesh has written a note before committing suicide. In the note, he said that he committed suicide because he was fed up of his teacher’s torture at the school, police said.
Under the guidance of Senior Police Inspector Ashok Kadam of Kolsewadi Police Station, the police have started a preliminary investigation into the matter. A few days ago, Anish Dalvi, a student of Sacred Heart School at Warap near Kalyan, committed suicide after being fed up with the school authorities' arbitrariness. In this case, school director Alvin Anthony was arrested by the Titwala police. Parents have expressed strong displeasure as students have recently started committing suicide due to teacher harassment. There are complaints from parents that this is more common in certain schools.