After a recently held discussion, Mumbai City District Skill Development has asked the job seekers to link their Aadhar cards to their profiles, as the information will be used to screen applications registered with the District Skill Development department. Chhaya Kubal, Assistant Commissioner, Mumbai City District Skill Development, Employment and Entrepreneurship Guidance Center, has appealed to the aspiring unemployed candidates to link their Aadhar cards by August 31, 2020.
As per reports, unemployed candidates who have registered with the portal for the job are being provided all the services and facilities online through the website. The website offers information about various employment fairs organized from time to time in the state.
One can also receive training, get information regarding various skill development schemes and other announcements made by the Central and State Governments. Besides, Aadhaar, the candidate will also have to include details like the educational qualifications, address, contact number, e-mail, etc. to receive information of vacancies, which will be notified from time to time by various entrepreneurs.
Furthermore, if one needs more information and clarification, they can contact District Skill Development, Employment and Entrepreneurship Guidance Center (Mumbai City) on 022 – 22626303, send an email to or visit the office located at Fort.