A three-and-a-half-year-old boy underwent a successful cochlear implant surgery at the Mahatma Gandhi Mission Hospital (MGM) in Kamothe on Thursday. This is the first surgery in Raigad district and Navi Mumbai. Nose, Throat and Ear Doctor Manish Juvekar said that this surgery could be done in just 15 days due to the financial support provided by two different charitable organisations and the medical assistance of MGM Hospital. After the success of the surgery, MGM Hospital Director Dr. Sudhir Kadam praised Dr. Manish and all those who worked with him on Thursday afternoon. A child will be able to live like a normal child due to this surgery.
The boy, who was deaf and mute since birth, was sought medical help from various places by his parents for the ear implant surgery. Dr. Manish said that MGM Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr. Kuldeep Salgotra, Dr. Kalpana Rajeev Kumar, Dr. Rahul, Professor Swapnil Gosavi, Anesthesiologist Dr. Jashi Sabu, Dr. Aninda, Dr. Surabhi contributed to the success of this surgery.
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If and when parents do this surgery between the age of eighteen months to three and a half years, the children can live like normal children. In few hospitals in Mumbai this surgery is free. In association with Radha Mohan Mehrotra Institute and Watumull Institute, cochlear implant device worth 6 lakh 30 thousand rupees was provided to the child in just 15 days after completing all the paperwork and MGM Hospital bore the medical expenses so this surgery costing INR 10 lakh could be done.