
Here's How You Can Cope With Rising Temperatures & Heatwave Conditions

Common symptoms of heat stroke in a person can include confusion, headache, nausea and dizziness. Failure to promptly treat such symptoms within a defined period may result in loss of life or lifelong disability to the affected person.

Here's How You Can Cope With Rising Temperatures & Heatwave Conditions

Maharashtra, including Mumbai, is experiencing heat wave conditions; however, other states are also likely to witness soaring temperatures in the coming days.

Extreme temperatures can also result in 'heatstroke', a serious condition in which the body's temperature rises above 104F due to hot environmental conditions. Common symptoms of heat stroke in a person can include confusion, headache, nausea and dizziness. Failure to promptly treat such symptoms within a defined period may result in loss of life or lifelong disability to the affected person.

How to prevent heatstroke?

  • Stay Hydrated. For this, carrying a water bottle when leaving the house is mandatory. If necessary, you can keep fresh juice and Glucon-D (energy drink) for dehydration.
  • Avoid alcohol, hot or sugary drinks, including tea and coffee, as they can increase dehydration.
  • Eat seasonal fruits like mango, watermelon, cucumber and green leafy vegetables. They will help keep the body hydrated and provide essential vitamins and minerals. Better yet, they are easy to digest and promote hydration.
  • If you have to go out during the afternoon heat, carry an umbrella to protect yourself from the harsh rays of the sun.
  • Bathe twice a day with cold or lukewarm water to lower body temperature, especially after coming from outside.

Given that heat-related problems can occur unexpectedly, here are the following guidelines everyone should keep in mind to avoid heat stroke and reduce the number of heat-related deaths:

  • Keep contact numbers of doctors and municipal officials handy in case of emergency.
  • Follow your doctor's advice if you suffer from any medical condition.
  • Even if you feel slightly unwell, seek medical help immediately at your nearest hospital.
  • Avoid going out during the daytime in scorching sun, and wear cotton clothing (preferably light-colored) for maximum comfort.
  • After coming home from outside, having a cool, refreshing drink - like lemonade, buttermilk, coconut water or just plain water will do your body good.
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