
KEM Hospital gets its own road map

With the help of a road map, patients and their relatives will be able to locate the ward easily

KEM Hospital gets its own road map

Mumbai's KEM Hospital, Parel, is a big hospital where often relatives and patients lose their way. Many times, relatives end up visiting different wards. In order to ease out locating the wards in KEM Hospital, students Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College have set up a navigation map which will help relatives and patients to locate their wards.

Who created the Road Map?

Students of Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College created the road map and have set up the same at the entrance of the hospital. This road map also guides the way to reach wards of both old and new hospital buildings.  

Second-year and third-year students have created this road map which took them two months. In total, 20 students made the map and I must say it is proving beneficial for both patients and relatives. I am proud of my students,” Dr Avinash Supe, Dean, KEM Hospital.

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