Mumbai - After sanctioning Metro route for Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Kalyan and Bhiwandi, Dombivali has also got its share. Accoridng to MMRDA commissioner U.P.S. Madan, Metro 5 which was Thane- Bhiwandi- Kalyan now will run until Dombivali and then Taloja. Due to the extension, commuters will able to commute directly from Thane to Dombivali. Also, this will help commuters to travel to Mumbai, Thane and Navi Mumbai.
Kalyan MP Shrikant Shinde met CM Devendra Fadnavis with a proposal of starting metro for Dombivali on Friday, to which CM gave his nod. Post the meeting he addressed MMRDA to follow the same.UPS Madan added that new drawing will be prepared for the Metro 5.