
This is how you can travel from Versova to Lokhandwala in 5 minutes

A flyover from New Yari Road to Versova is in the pipeline to be constructed by the end of 2018

This is how you can travel from Versova to Lokhandwala in 5 minutes

If you are a daily commuter between Versova and Lokhandwala, you must be constantly brooding about the traffic problems here and also well aware that it takes about 45 minutes to travel to and fro these places. Fret not, for there’s some good news for you. A 210-meter long flyover is to be constructed from New Yari Road to Lokhandwala and the plans are likely to be acted upon by the authorities by October 2018.

The Mumbai civic body claims that this flyover will reduce the travel time from current 45 minutes to just five minutes! The bridge would help take the load off arterial roads such as New Link Road and Swami Vivekananda road, according to the Andheri west committee chairman Yogiraj Dhabhadkar.

The residents have welcomed the move but demand the civic bodies to rid Yari Road of encroachments first. Shashi Rajan, who has been leading the Yari Road Bachao Andolan said that they will continue to stage protests if the civic body is unable to clear the encroachments off the place. He also told that the BMC was supposed to build the flyover five years ago.

During peak hours, commuting from Versova to Lokhandwala Complex is an atrocious experience for motorists. “An underpass or tunnel would be the most viable option, but the civic should plan these only with public consensus,” said Lokhandwala resident and environmentalist Rishi Agarwal."

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