
CR to run 28 unreserved special trains between Kolhapur-Satara

Some trains have also been given temporary halts at selected stations for the convenience of passengers

CR to run 28 unreserved special trains between Kolhapur-Satara

Considering the flood situation in Kolhapur, Central Railway will run 14 unreserved special trains between Kolhapur to Satara and 14 unreserved special trains between Kolhapur and Miraj.

Central Railway will run 28 unreserved special trains in the wake of heavy rains and subsequent floods in the Kolhapur-Satara stretch. 14 unreserved special trains between Kolhapur and Satara and 14 unreserved special trains between Kolhapur and Miraj will be run to reduce the rush of passengers.

The details of special trains are as follows:

1. Kolhapur-Satara Unreserved Special (14 Special Trains)

Train No. 01412 Unreserved Special Train will depart from Shri Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Terminus, Kolhapur daily at 08.40 AM from 07.08.2024 to 13.08.2024 and reach Satara at 13.25 PM on the same day.

Train No. 01411 Unreserved Special will depart from Satara at 14.20 PM daily from 07.08.2024 to 13.08.2024 and reach Shri Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Terminus, Kolhapur at 18.35 PM on the same day.

Stops: Waliwade, Rukdi, Hatkangale, Jaysingpur, Miraj, Vishrambagh, Sangli, Nandra, Bhilavadi, Kirloskarwadi, Takari, Bhawani Nagar, Shenoli, Karad, Shirwade, Masoor, Targaon, Rahimatpur and Koregaon

Composition: 5 sleeper class and 7 general second class with 2 luggage cum guard brake vans.

2. Kolhapur- Miraj Unreserved Special (14 services)

Train No. 01416 Unreserved Special will depart from Sri Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Terminus, Kolhapur every night from 07.08.2024 to 13.08.2024 at 20.15 and reach Miraj at 21.25 on the same day.

Train No. 01415 Unreserved Special will depart from Miraj at 06.55 AM daily from 07.08.2024 to 13.08.2024 and reach Shri Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Terminus, Kolhapur at 8.05 PM on the same day.

Stops: Waliwade, Rukdi, Hatkangale and Jaysingpur

Composition: 5 sleeper class and 7 general second class with 2 luggage cum guard brake vans.

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The following trains have been temporarily halted at selected stations from 06.08.2024 to 12.08.2024:

Stop at Bhilwadi and Kirloskarwadi station

Train No. 16210 Mysore-Ajmer Express
Train No. 16506 Bangalore-Gandhidham Express
Train No. 16508 Bangalore-Jodhpur Express
Train No. 16532 Bangalore-Ajmer Express
Train No. 16534 Bangalore-Jodhpur Express

Stop at Takari Station

Train No. 11029 CSMT (Mumbai)-Kolhapur Koyna Express

Train No. 11030 Kolhapur-CSMT (csmt) Koyna Express
Train No. 11039 Kolhapur-Gondia Maharashtra Express
Train No. 11040 Gondia-Kolhapur Maharashtra Express

Stop at Karad station

Train No. 16533 Jodhpur-Bangalore Express

Train No. 16534 Bangalore-Jodhpur Express
Train No. 11049 Ahmedabad-Kolhapur Express
Train No. 11050 Kolhapur-Ahmedabad Express

Passengers are requested to kindly take note and avail the services.

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