
Department of Fisheries grants 6-month extension for payment related to several activities in the sector

The grant will be effective from May 31, 2021, and has been provided keeping the ongoing coronavirus pandemic in mind, where fishermen have been facing financial difficulties due to poor business.

Department of Fisheries grants 6-month extension for payment related to several activities in the sector
The state of Maharashtra is currently fighting the second wave of coronavirus infection and keeping the same in mind, the Department of Fisheries, on May 27, 202, announced various measures to offer financial relief to fishermen and the related cooperatives in the state. 

State Fisheries Minister, Aslam Sheikh, informed that the government has granted a six month extension to pay the contractual amount of the contracted lake and reservoir for the current year. Besides this, the deadline has also been extended to pay the advance amount of fish storage and related centers.
Strict restrictions are currently in place across Maharashtra with an aim to control the spread of COVID-19. As a result, fishermen and the co-operative societies have not been able to catch the fishes as per their desired capacity. Moreover, they are also facing concerns with regards to selling the catch and hence the fishermen in the state have expressed financial difficulties. 

Understanding the same, the government hs taken necessary measures to provide financial relief to the people in the business and respective societies across the state. Hence, the deadline has been extended by six months, effective 31st May, 2021, and this will be applicable for the payment of contract amount for fishing ponds and reservoirs in the State for the current year 2021-22, along with payment of 10 per cent advance for optimal fish botulin storage. As per the revised guidelines, extension is being given till November 30, 2021. 

Additionally, the lease of fish seed centers for the current year has also been extended from the last date of payment of the contract amount. Similar decision has been taken for the payment of one per cent and 0.5 per cent contract area for fish farming. 

Sharing more information, Aslam Shaikh said that the Maharashtra government has always supported the fishermen and this decision will also offer relief to this section of society across the state who are facing financial difficulties in these tough times.

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