A day after the Vande Bharat Express Train met with an accident, it has come to light that the nose cone cover of the front coach was replaced immediately with a new one in Mumbai Central depot during the maintenance and the train is put back into service without any extra downtime.
Commenting on the incident, while talking to media, WR CPRO said: “We are taking all actions to prevent such types of incidents in future.”
The railway officials had already clarified stating that no functional part got damaged. The train moved just after removing carcasses (within 8 minutes) and reached on time at Gandhinagar.
The incident occurred between Vatva and Maninagar stations in Gujarat. The train which runs between Mumbai Central and Gandhinagar was flagged off by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 30.
According to the railway officials, the incident happened between 11.18 am to 11.27 am when a herd of buffaloes came on the railway line at around 11.15am b/w Vatva station to Maninagar. The accident damaged the front part of the engine, said Western Railway Sr PRO, JK Jayant while talking to reporters, adding that no train services have been impacted.
Moreover, if reports are to be believed, three to four buffaloes were also killed in the accident, the railway added.