The MHB police in Borivali have succeeded in uncovering a case where a driver stole jewellery from a motor vehicle in the valet parking of a hotel. The police informed that the accused has been arrested and all the items have been seized from him.
In accordance with these crimes, under the guidance of Senior Police Inspector Sudhir Kudalkar and Police Inspector Crime Sachin Shinde, Police Sub-Inspector Nilesh Patil and his team started the investigation. At this time, when various 10 to 12 CCTV footages of the incident were examined, it was found that Ramesh Bandu Shinde (33), a driver from the valet parking of the hotel, had stolen Dodia's jewellery.
Shinde took Dodia's vehicle on the pretext of parking. He was seen parking the vehicle at some distance and after some time he took the vehicle from there in a suspicious manner. After some time, the vehicle was again brought to the same place and parked. Due to this, the suspicion on the driver of valet parking increased and he was taken into custody and the investigation started.
During interrogation, he himself confessed to stealing the jewellery. Accordingly, Shinde was arrested in this case. The police have succeeded in recovering the entire stolen property from the accused.