
Navi Mumbai: NMMC carry out Dengue prevention measures and awareness activities from May 16 to May 19

Similarly, during the period from 16 to 21 May 2024, private hospitals, private medical professionals and heads of private laboratories will be held in person in each civil primary health centre to address them about cold, dengue, epidemics

Navi Mumbai: NMMC carry out Dengue prevention measures and awareness activities from May 16 to May 19

Due to the geographical structure and migrant population of Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation area, this area is susceptible to winter fever and dengue diseases. Efforts are being made to prevent the spread of winter fever and dengue diseases through direct and indirect survey as per the guidelines of the government, mosquito killer spraying and chemical fumigation as per the weekly schedule and public awareness campaign being implemented through the health department of the municipal corporation.

Accordingly, 'National Dengue Day' was observed on May 16 in the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation area. This year's slogan for National Dengue Day has been announced as Connect With Community, Control Dengue. Accordingly, various activities are being planned to create awareness among the public to achieve the objective of the National Dengue Day, which is to prevent dengue disease by taking active participation of the public for the implementation of preventive measures regarding dengue.

Under the guidance of Municipal Commissioner Dr. Kailas Shinde, various dengue prevention and public awareness programs have been planned. In this, on National Dengue Day i.e. May 16, dengue awareness camps were organised at a total of 38 places such as large constructions or slums in the urban primary health centre area.

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Similarly, during the period from 16 to 21 May 2024, private hospitals, private medical professionals and heads of private laboratories will be held in person in each civil primary health centre to address them about cold, dengue, epidemics, water borne diseases. From May 16 to 21, a meeting of mosquito repellent spraying and chemical fumigation workers will be held and guidance will be given to do the spraying work more effectively. A meeting of health assistants was organised on May 21, 2024 in the health department at the headquarters.

Dengue is a viral disease transmitted by the bite of a female Aedes aegypti mosquito infected with the dengue virus. This Aedes aegypti mosquito lays its eggs in water reservoirs on the terrace and around the house, as well as in waste materials, tires, empty bottles, saws, paint cans, water bottles, plastic covers placed on the house, plates under pots, water in coolers, and mosquitoes are born. It is necessary to take care not to allow these mosquito breeding places and if they occur, destroy them immediately

The symptoms of dengue disease are - Sudden onset of high fever, severe headache, muscle pain, joint pain and vomiting, severe headache from the second day, dry mouth, fluctuating fever, rashes on the body, if such symptoms are found, it is urgent to seek medical advice. Citizens of Navi Mumbai are requested to take all necessary measures to prevent dengue and contact the nearest Municipal Hospital or Civil Primary Health Center in case of symptoms of winter fever / dengue.

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