
Prerna for Jogeshwari citizens

Prerna for Jogeshwari citizens

Jogeshwari- Public library 'Prerna' has been moved from Ramwadi to Shivtekdi after requisite modernisation.
The new library was inaugurated on the occasion of the 186th anniversary of educationist and women's rights activist Savitribai Phule, by deputy collector Rupali Bhalke. The Prerna library was initially established at Ramwadi but had to be shifted due to a space crunch. There are around five thousand books for all age groups in this library.
Citi Survey Department official Amol Pawar, Water Rights committee member Sitaram Shelar, Updesh Panchal, Shailesh Nasre, Praful Shivgan - who have all been instrumental in the establishment of the library, were present at the inauguration ceremony of the library.

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