The Vedic texts are a wellspring of stories, of lessons, of tales that never get old. Mystical tales for a magical life by Shubha Vilas curates eleven of the most interesting, unheard, and thought-provoking tales from the scriptures, the epics, and the Puranas and correlates them to our present-day situations. By presenting the complexities of these texts in a modern, accessible format, the book leaves you richer with its glorious learnings. Mystical tales for a magical life is a wonderful, wise companion that nourishes and nurtures at any and every stage in life.
Sourced from a plethora of ancient text sources like the Mahabharat Ramayan, Jamini Bharata, Markandya, Purana, Vedas and Kathasarigasakara, these stories are definitely unheard (as it famously claims.)
These texts are age-old stories that remain as familiar as it is unfamiliar thanks to its near-infinite multiverse- by creating new parallels, vantage points, and realities. These stories suffuse with the realities of current times and examine them through a political, social and cultural spectrum.
It is well researched with a knack for unusual and unheard stories. There will be familiar characters with some unheard anecdotes which adds to the essence of the book. The striking chapter names like Contentment Contention, Trails of Truth, Crooked Walk But Straight Thoughts are sure to keep your interest glued.
Moreover, a crisp summary of every story co-relates ancient, age-old paradigms with the modern game of life. But here’s the catch, there are footnotes on every page which sums up the lesson. The golden rule of Show, don't tell isn't used and the thought process of the reader tends to be binary. The essence of mythology lies in its subjectivity from person to person and with this direct information or thoughts served in the platter, the imaginations ceases to exist. However, for a starter, it can serve as things being simplified and people looking out for complex subjective takeaway from mythology can give it a miss.
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Book Details: Publisher- Fingerprint! publishing | Genre- Mythology | Date of Release- February 1, 2019 | Paperback- 280 pages