The Wadala police has arrested two men for allegedly harassing ad stalking a 35-year-old principal of a city-based college. The two accused identified as Suraj Siddharth Kambale (25) and Manoj Laxman Devrukhkar (31) made several voice and video calls to the woman demanding sexual favours.
According to officials, the complainant had to face unnecessary trouble as an unidentified accused had written her phone number on the wall of a public toilet in Jui Nagar, Navi Mumbai, mentioning her as a call girl with the intention of harassing her. Kambale, who is the resident of Ghansoli, had seen the number on the wall of public toilet and then informed Devrukhkar, a resident of Ulhasnagar. Later, both decided to contact her, said officials.
From December 30, 2020, she started receiving phone calls asking for sexual pleasure and the victim went under mental stress. One of the accused even sent his own phone number and asked for a photograph. After a week of harassment from both the accused, the 35-year-old finally lodged a complaint with the police on January 7.
Both have been charged with sections 354A (sexual harassment), 354D (stalking) of Indian Penal Code and 67 (publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form) of the Information Technology Act.
Initially, the complainant suspected the involvement of college students behind, but no students was involved after the investigation.
The two accused who were identified with the help of their phone numbers, would make only data-based calls and keep their phone switch-off to avoid getting tracked.
To draw them out the city police laid a honeytrap. Kambale was contacted by a woman who lured him into meeting her at a pre-decided location at a hotel. The accused fell prey to it and was nabbed on January 8, said officials.
Manoj was later arrested by the police on the basis of information obtained during his interrogation. The mobiles of both have been seized and they have been sent to forensic laboratories for investigation.