With Mumbaikars all set to welcome Ganesh idols on September 2, Chinchpokli's Chintamani held their much-acclaimed 'Aagman Sohla' on Sunday, August 11. This Ganesh Chaturthi is indeed special for the organiser 'Chinchpokli Sarvajanik Utsav Mandal' as they are celebrating their 100th year.
Founded in 1919, Chinchpokli's Chintamani is one of the major attractions for Mumbaikars and visitors along with Lalbaugcha Raja, Ganesh Gully and Khetwadi. The idol is prepared in the workshop at Parel and the 'Aagman Sohla' that is held much before the festival is one of its specificity.
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Lakhs of devotees had gathered to witness the grandeur of the Aagman Sohla and to get the first glimpse of their 'Bappa'. However, this had led to overcrowding at Chinchpokli and Dadar station in the evening which caused great discomfort to other commuters.
Notably, the Mandal will be donating ₹5 lakhs from its coffers to the victims of Sangli floods. One of the most unique features of Chinchpokli's Chintamani is that during visarjan they sing Ganesh aarti while going towards Girgaum Chowpatty, unlike others where they beat drums or have elaborate music playing.