
Learn and Earn

Learn and Earn

Goregaon- On the occasion of Republic Day, Andheri’s Shree Govind Balmandir school had organized a flower exhibition where in 1000 paper flowers were exhibited.

The flowers were made by the students of 5th to 9th grade. This two days exhibition got a huge response from people.
The specialty of these flowers was its simplicity. These flowers were made by using kite paper, newspapers, crape paper, broom sticks, and tissue paper. Along with the exhibition, paintings were also put up. Students highlighted surgical strike and warli through their paintings.
The motto behind this exhibition was to make students pro-environment. “We also focus on developing business sense amongst students and so we organize such events. We will be selling these flowers made by students so that they understand the importance of money,” said Hanmant Sajgane, principal, Shree Govind Balmandir.

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