According to the weather forecast by the India Meteorological Department (IMD), an orange alert has been issued in Palghar, Pune and Satara for Friday, July 15. On the other hand, a yellow alert has been issued in Mumbai, Thane, Raigad, Ratnagiri, Sindhudurg, Nashik, Kolhapur, Akola, Amravati, Bhandara, Buldhana, Chandrapur, Gadchiroli, Gondia, Nagpur, Wardha, Washim and Yavatmal on the same day.
Similarly, four deaths were reported in Maharashtra owing to rain-related mishaps in the past 24 hours. This took the aggregate death toll to 97. Based on accounts, two of those deaths were from Nagpur on Thursday, July 14. Similarly, two of a family were crushed under boulders that came down a hillock in Vasai on Wednesday, July 13.
Likewise, spells of heavy rainfall were witnessed in parts of Maharashtra on Thursday. Moreover, districts like Gadchiroli and Chandrapur were a cause of concern since the flood situation worsened. Many rives in Gadchiroli were reportedly over the danger mark.
It has been reported that state officials highlighted that the situation was under control in the majority of the areas like Thane, Palghar, Pune and Nashik where a red alert was issued. Palghar is believed to have received more than 150 mm of rainfall in the last 24 hours, with rivers such as Vaitarna and Pinjal flowing through the districts, breaching the danger mark.
Moreover, ten workers of GM Infrastructure conducting work on the Mumbai-Vadodara national highway project were stuck on a barge in the swollen Vaitarna lake on Wednesday night. However, the rescuers had to wait for the water to reduce till Thursday morning to be rescued by boat. Further, the Mumbai-Ahmedabad highway was hit because of flooding in parts of Gujarat.
Similarly, narratives suggest that a Mumbra woman (50) faced minor injuries when a part of a wall collapsed. Additionally, there was no trace of the boy (7) who fell in the creek while cycling on the roof of a house in Thane on Wednesday.
Based on reports, because of the heavy rains, 34 deaths were reported in Marathwada of which 24 were owing to electrocution.