Liver Transplant is a critical surgery that requires a multi-disciplinary and comprehensive approach. A liver transplant offers a ray of hope to end stage liver disease and liver cancer patients who wish to recover and regain their health as much as possible.
It is essential to bear in mind that cirrhotic liver patients suffer from low immunity levels. These patients suffer from repeated infections, Further, the presence of the COVID 19 pandemic does make it more challenging.
Dr. Gaurav Gupta is an accomplished surgeon who performs Liver Transplant in Mumbai and has shared a patient story of a successful liver transplant performed after both the donor and the recipient had recovered from COVID 19 infection.
Mr. Swamy, a 59-year-old decompensated cirrhosis patient with multiple complications such as ascites, fluid overload, infections, and coagulopathy approached Dr. Gaurav Gupta for a liver transplant. Mrs. Swamy, 51-year-old wife of Mr. Swamy agreed to donate a part of her liver for him.
During preliminary investigations, Mr. Swamy developed fever, cough, and difficulty in breathing and was detected as COVID RT PCR positive. He was hospitalized for two weeks for recovering from the same. On the other hand, his wife (potential Liver Donor) and son were also COVID positive but they recovered well at home in isolation in two weeks.
A liver transplant is a critical surgery that is postponed for 6 – 8 weeks in such complicated cases. Mr. Swamy’s started to have severe complications from cirrhosis and waiting too long for transplant would have carry high risk moreover Mr. Swamy’s health insurance was expiring in 4 weeks, leaving Dr. Gupta no option to proceed with this high-risk liver transplant surgery.
Dr. Gupta thoroughly briefed the patient, donor, and the entire family regarding the risks involved in performing an early liver transplant surgery. With the consent of the entire family, Dr. Gupta proceeded with the surgery on May 27th, 2021. Currently, Mr. and Mrs. Swamy have recovered well and are doing extremely well.
Dr. Gaurav Gupta is a Senior Consultant & Chief Surgeon - Liver Transplant & HPB Surgery at Fortis Hospital, Mulund and Vashi. He is also an expert Liver Cancer Specialist. He has performed critical liver transplant surgeries such as complex HPB surgeries, combined organ transplants, split liver, cadaver donor, living donor transplant surgeries, pediatric liver transplant surgeries.
Speaking on this patient, Dr. Gupta said, ‘When Mr. Swamy came to my OPD, he could not breathe because of fluid overload. His weight was 120 Kg. Most of this extra weight is just because of fluid overload. After the transplant, he weighs 80 kg.'
He further added, ‘This was a very tricky situation. Both the donor and the recipient were recuperating from their recent COVID infection, and their insurance was expiring. The family insisted on doing an early liver transplant. The patient's liver was also failing. We took ample precautions for the surgery, and I am happy to see him doing so well after the transplant.’
Dr. Gaurav was also surprised by the miraculous recovery of Mr. and Mrs. Swamy. According to him, this is a very rare case wherein both the donor and recipient were just recovering from COVID infection and a major surgery such as a liver transplant was performed within four weeks.
The liver is one of the most important organs of the human body that performs nearly 500 crucial functions while being the only organ that can regenerate itself. Treatment of Liver cancer is a challenge that does require knowledge, experience, and expertise to resolve.
Dr. Gaurav Gupta is a qualified ASTS certified abdominal organ transplant surgeons who has done more than 500 liver transplant surgeries successfully to date